The Thoughts that run through the neurons of my mind sometimes inspire and at times allows other to question my sanity.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Thoughts from a lonely notebook...(Process)
Journal entry May 12, 2011
"The hope of something new. The feeling of change. The changing of interest, the craving to do, to be, and be used.
Where do these feelings come from? Is it the inner call of what we were made to do crying out?
Unsatisfied with daily living that brings no purpose to the inner call. Feelings of incompleteness, but understanding there is something growing inside that is awaiting to burst out into the world.
Understanding that the term of a pregnancy is for a reason. Sure after the first few months, Mom, Dad, and family are all ready to meet the expectant child. But if you were to rush the process based upon the selfish wants and uncontrolled longing to see the child. You would soon find a deformed underdeveloped baby. The Process is for a REASON. How can we expect any different outside of the womb? Our life starts as a process and it will continue until our final day. But for our lives to be fulfilled with the purpose we were created for, we must grow each and everyday and be able to endure the process because in the process is where we are made. Awaiting the day to burst out to show the world."
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Speak Up or Shut Up...
Here I am. Been Silent for more days than I want to admit because in admitting the fact that I haven't posted in almost a month, shows my lack of commitment and slothfulness to follow through with my goal. I believe I can do it, I can make it. I read that 90 percent of all New Years resolutions fade into the realm of nonexistence by valentines day and seeing that yesterday was Valentines day, I believe it is time to reignite the flame of the resolution and continue my journey of opening my cranium and allowing my thoughts to roam free like buffaloes out on the range of curiosity. So I speak up or I will shut up (and since I paid for a whole year of I will use this resource)
Speaking up about the lack of speaking up. About the lack of having a voice. About the ridiculousness of not saying anything. I have opinions, I have beliefs, I have a mind that is not controlled by the mainstream thinking of the people around me. At times I agree with a thought process and other times I disagree, but I find myself at times staying silent in my disagreeing in order to not offend or upset a peer or a friend. I keep my thoughts to myself (sometimes) or simply have an agreeable face, you know the face that you smile and nod your head up in down ,but inside you are shaking your head NO and SCREAMING at the top of your lungs in disagreement!!! (yeah that face)
At sometime and some place we have all performed this action. We agree to win friendship, to fit into clicks, to gain a contact that we might use as source of networking power later in life, we agree so we won't rock the boat of the status quo, and also that way we can remain in the grand favor of peers. Does this help us in any way? When by remaining silent we are declaring a civil war within ourselves, where the conflicting sides of our Psyche battle back and forth trying to decide whether to conform or transform. Why do we allow this? Do we conform to the loudness of other people's opinions simply because they have them and they're LOUD? One thing that has always boggled my mind (and it doesn't take much to boggle my mind, sometimes I find my self in amazement of the invention of zippers, wow...................) is that we as a society can gripe and complain about how loud some people are and the opinion that they are constantly bombarding us with, but our solution is to sit around and talk about the voices that are LOUD, but we remain silent.We remain silent. Let that sink in. We remain quiet, we don't speak up to state our opinion or belief, and I don't believe in voicing opinion simply for opinion sake, but we as a society are being led astray by the booming voices that want us to believe like they believe. ("they" is a general term relating to opinions of right, left, liberals, conservatives, democrats, republicans, Hollywood and every other voice that has influence in our society, etc.)
Why do we allow certain folks and movements to encourage our opinions, our beliefs, our reason, and our thinking?
Conforming to thoughts that go against who we are and what we stand for is like allowing someone to come and take residence in your mind and pay no rent for their habitation. It is said "If we don't stand for something, we shall fall for anything" and how true is this, we must be willing to stand. We all have a voice and we all have the indiviuality of our own minds that God created in all of us, we must stand for what we believe in and be a voice to go against the grain, not for rebellion sake.But for the fact that if we don't " Speak Up" and stand for what we believe and what we as individuals know to be right , then we should just "Shut Up" and allow the mainstream society to shape our thoughts and beliefs. I choose to stand and SPEAK. Will you stand or fall? Speak or remain Silent?
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