So this Journey now does begin, the reason I say now begins is on this fact. At the end of 2011 as I sat pondering on the next 365 (or 366/Leap Year) days to come and what I wanted to do differently this year that would stretch my mind, stretch my thinking and maybe stretch me as an individual. I came up with this crazy idea of writing a blog post everyday for the whole duration of 2012, noble idea I know and especially since my writing blog skills where very limited....ok ok nonexistent!! So I gave myself the challenge to do so, I even wrote it down on my whiteboard (that makes everything official) But here we are 10 days into the first month of 2012 and there are no 10 blog post that I can stare at with a sense of accomplishment, there are no pages filled with priceless paragraphs compiled of many words upon the white background of my blog spot cheering me and shouting out Hey EVERYONE look at this guy he had what it took to fulfill his challenge. Nope its not happening!! All I have is nine previous days haunting me of the things that I didn't do and hands on a clock reminding me that time is nonrefundable and can not be stockpiled for later use.
So though nine days ago can not be started over or replayed to do the things I had wished I'd done, I can only begin NOW. Isn't that life though! We all have issued challenges to ourselves, we've all made resolutions to be bigger, better, and more informed than the year, month, week, day, hour, and minute prior to where we are now. I know I have made many decrees as I stood before the audience in the mirror and made solemn vows to be and do better than I have ever done before, only to be disappointed as I passed the same audience the next morning, trying to avoid eye contact because shame and guilt of not doing what I said I would do stood reminding me of my decree. Its in those times that we must inform ourselves that though we can not get back yesterday, we can begin again to do those things we wished we would've done. I am reminded of a man that just recently started attending our church, on one Monday he decided that he would like to be baptized for the remission of his sins, so he came to the church and our pastor baptized him in the name of Jesus and that is awesome in itself, but the thing about the whole event that has just been carved on the walls and caverns of my soul, was as he stood in the water thanking God, he made such a profound statement. He said "thank you for the chance to live again"
What a statement! That is the opportunity that we all have, a chance to live, begin, start over, renew, challenge ourselves, and most of all to start at places that we left undone. So I choose to start. I choose to do. I may have not met my goal completely by starting on the first day of the new year with some profound words of wisdom that would proceed out of my cranium, but in the words of Seth Godin, I choose to " Do. Don't say."
AWESOME first post!!! I can't wait for the next nine posts!! :) Love you!