A square and object that has four sides all equal within itself. From corner to corner from side to side and top to bottom is all the same. The the shape of the square is what some has labeled the box, a box that holds different items of the users choice. A box can only hold so many things dependent upon the size of the box.Whether it be a large square box or it be a small square box, it is still a box and still a square, just the amount of storing space changes.
The old cliche "get out of the box" or "they really think outside the box" has been around for many moons and it has defined us as people. First off who decided that it had to be a box that we stuck our thinking inside to use for a another day (sorry getting ahead of myself in my ranting, must control my thoughts....deep breathe 1..2...3..4....) OK I'm back. We have used the box to speak of someone being over creative or someone that pushes the limits of the norm. We have describe men and women who have done something "out of the box" as having some special kind of power to unleash themselves from the thought pattern of the simple. Some use it as a compliment and yet others use it as a stick to poke and beat others with like a pinata at a six years old birthday.The mentality that we are stuck in a "box" and the four walls of the "box" is the limitations to our lives and thought patterns. The four sides being walls like a concentration camp that imprisons society as a whole to believe that there is only so far one can travel before you will collide with the wall and then all of the mind numb slaves to mediocrity will gracefully inform and beat you back into the norm.....Why is this? Why have we allowed the square to be the bubble, like the Truman Show(mindless movie reference), that locks our thinking, our creativity, and our will to live inside. Is it because we are scared of one an-others thoughts? Is it because we are so insecure to the opinion of what might be thought of us? Is it because we don't truly know who we are as individuals that we must put mandates on each other to keep one another from discovering themselves? Why is this? I wonder who invented the proverbial "box" that hangs over our heads like an anvil of doom waiting for someone to come and cut the cord that holds it up and crush us like a cockroach on a hot summer sidewalk.
If we allow our lives to be squared by society then the four walls of our thinking will never bust free from this "prison that really has no bars"(respectfully quoted from my father), but truly is the caged cell for many, we will never truly discover who we are and who God created us to be. We should of learned from the conditioning of our kindergarten days that a square block cannot go into a round hole and round ball cannot be shoved in a triangle slot. There must be an enlightenment and a illumination of our minds to realize that as individuals we cannot be forced in a box and more importantly we must realize that the box is there to limit our thinking and we must do like so many department stores,shipping companies, and tired movers. Empty the boxes, cut them down, and discard them in the dumpster of shallow minds because there is more room outside than in.
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