Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lose the Mask.

I'm Back, I took the weekend off from my desired goal of writing every day of 2012. I don't think it was a planned break, I believe I just slacked off from making the conscious and disciplined choice to sit down and let my thoughts flow out onto a blank screen. So I am working diligently on my self discipline and self control. Something that I struggle with daily. WOW!! I Got that off my chest, I have heard it said that you can't face your problem until you have admitted and accepted that you have a problem. So I admit I have problem, no more masks. BOOM I said it... (What is this a transparent confession post like a twelve years old teenage girl's diary?) It seems masks are what we wear as a society, we mask our true feelings, problems, situations, circumstances, difficulties, we mask our true opinions, beliefs, who we are, our identity, and everything else that we don't want others to see for fear of rejection. Why do we do this? Why do we hide? Why do we condemn others for what they believe or the opinions that they hold true to, but we are to afraid to search the unknown to see what we truly believe? I don't care for this, there has been times that I have held my peace or kept my mouth shut because of fear of being pushed from the crowd based on what I believe or think and I have walked away from encounters scolding myself for falling prey to the simple mind. I don't get it. Truly I become baffled by people and the things that they allow in there own lives, but turn and condemn others for the same thing. Judging others by their actions, but judging ourselves by our intentions in doing the action.

Why? I question this because it is wrong(I know you might be saying Duh captain obvious, thanks for pointing it out.)
Seriously my ire and anger rises up in me because one of the main places that this non exotic antler-less hypocritical deer is spotted grazing is in the church(please notice I said the church and not religion, seems to be some controversy between these two terms.)
But for real we see this all through the church, people masking who they really are in order to fit in with the culture of the church and by doing this we become isolationist and segregate many people just due to things that really don't line up with the bible. It is like in school when you really want to fit in with the cool crowd and you change something about you to fit in only to forsake others for the sake of popularity. I know this thought is very scramble and like a frag grenade it is all over the place, but I guess it is because I don't understand how we can compare ourselves to Christ, but where the mask of the pharisees. Christ in His word condemn this action by calling these people vipers and hypocrites and also saying that by there religious tradition they have shut up the kingdom of Heaven, but still we set ourselves apart from others and I believe that we are called to be holy and separate from this present world, but I also believe that we would see more people come looking for Jesus if we took our masks off and in a transparent revealing showed the world that we are need Jesus too. Not falsity that most have it together and if you follow this simple list of man man rules/religion you can have it all together also (all for the low low price of $16.99)

NO we must represent Christ and even outside the church to be true to who we really are. Realizing that we all have hang ups and failures, we all have mistakes and things in our lives that we are daily working to improve in our lives. Showing everyone around us that we are not better than one another because I'm just the same as you, made out of mud and awaiting the day that I will return to my prior form and hopefully while I'm here I can take off my masks and be real. I pray that this will happen in us and among us, especially in the Church that Christ died for, that we can show the world His love and his plan for us all. Lets lose the masks.

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