Fourth post of the day. When attempting to construct many different post my mind has gotten to a point of wanting to shut down and seems to me like there is nothing else I could possibly say today. It is like I have discovered my brink or the edge of creativity. I know what you are thinking. Or possibly I do ( because some could be thinking about a multitude of things and we won't approach that.) But some who have my mind, so really just me, are thinking really after four post about nothing you have reach your end, you have discovered the cliff of your mind that if leaped from one would fall into the abyss of nothing. And when put like that I feel rather ignorant in every area of life (well not every area just the ones that are worth reading about)
I have been seeking and searching wondering and pondering. Out in my canoe of thought like Lewis &Clarke out discovering the western part of the United States, only I'm on a voyage to discover the west part of my brain and the thoughts that might be lingering like nomadic paintings on the walls of abandon caves. I know very poetic right? Probably not.
It writing these few posts I started out with the thought what would someone want to read. What could I write and scribble down that someone (a passerby er) would find an interest and would be drawn to stay around and read the rest of my post or even type their email address in the subscription and follow me? What could I do to gain the interest of the masses? What could I say to excite a generation that has so many things vying for their attention? Then I remembered a book that I read at the beginning of last year called The Purple Cow, authored by Seth Godin. The premise of the book is to be different, to not allow the opinions of others to shape what you or I might offer. To put yourself out to the masses in a way that would make others stop and take notice of you, such as seeing a purple cow out in a field (we would all stop and question reality.) As the thought of this book rushed into my mind like waves upon an unsuspecting seagull, I thought really what I should write is what interest me and be different in the way that many blog writers write for the interest of the people (which I guess if you want people to read your blog it is a pretty good idea, i really wish i would of thought of that.....) But I desire to write not just for me but to entertain others, to inspire, to create, to push, to poke fun and the norms that we hold so dear, to open up my mind to the realms that have yet to be explored and to just be open to the fact that not everything or everyone has to be the same. So that will be what I shall do, I shall write about the things that I find interesting, about things that I see as things that are causing our society to lose focus, about things that make me laugh and hopefully through the quirkiness of my mind someone might find laughter and a since of joy knowing that life isn't as serious as we make it out to be.
"When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free." ~Charles Evans Hughes~
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